Sareri Hovin Mernem
Sareri hovin merrnem,
Hovin merrnem, hovin merrnem,
Im yari boyin merrnem,
Boyin merrnem, boyin merrnem։
Mi tari e ch’yem tesel,
Tesnoghi, yar, achkin merrnem.
Kaynel yem gal chem karogh,
Gal chem karogh, gal chem karogh,
Ltsvel em lal chem karogh,
Lal chem karogh, lal chem karogh։
Mi tari e chem tesel,
Tesnoghi, yar, achkin merrnem.
Geter@ jur chen berum,
Jur chen berum, jur chen berum,
Kezanits’ lur chen berum։
Lur chen berum։, lur chen berum։
Ch’lini՞ serd sarrel e,
Ko ser, yar, zur chen berum։
Kaynel yem gal chem karogh,
Gal chem karogh, gal chem karogh,
Ltsvel em՝ lal chem karogh,
Lal chem karogh, lal chem karogh,
Mi tari e chem tesel,
Tesnoghi, year, achkin merrnem։
Lena Chamamyan Sareri Hovin Mernem YouTube
I’d Die for
the Mountain Wind
I would die for the wind of the mountain
I'd die for the wind i'd die for the wind
I would die for my love’s tall stature,
tall stature
,tall stature
I have not seen him in a year
I would die
for her eyes that I saw
I am standing,I cannot come,
I cannot come,I cannot come
I’m filled with sorrow,i cannot cry,
cannot cry,i cannot cry
I have not seen him in a year
I would die
for her eyes that I saw
The rivers don't bring water,
don't bring water,don't bring water
They don't bring any news from you,
don't bring any news ,don't bring any news
Is it that his heart has frozen?
Your love, oh beloved,
they don't bring it in vain
I am standing,I cannot come,
I cannot come,I cannot come
I’m filled with sorrow,i cannot cry,
cannot cry,i cannot cry
I have not seen him in a year
I would die
for her eyes that I saw